Currently I am in the process of moving. By process I mean that I have packed five boxes and barely put a dent in the copious amount of "STUFF" I own. It's tedious and stressful and I would not be able to do it without my Mom (the crafty lady behind the Finch). She is a superhuman when it comes to packing, moving, unpacking and staging a home. I think I would be in a sea of panic laying on the couch with a bottle of wine come Sunday if I did not have her help to look forward to. When I move in I need to unpack and set up immediately. If my house is a mess, I am a mess. I get it from ma mama.
When I was at my parent's house this past Sunday I was noticing just how many mirrors my mom has throughout the house. I would say there is AT LEAST one in every room. I love that. My current apartment is a little sad when it comes to our mirror to room ratio, I want to make a point to add more reflection to our new place. It has high vaulted ceilings and arched windows so it will be much brighter than my current apartment which has a dungeon of a living space.
Here is a new Mirror at The Pink Finch Shop that I covet:
I love the distressed look. It looks good as old :)
The majority of the furniture in my current apartment are Finch finds. Luckily if my furniture pieces don't fit in the space, I can always swap for something a little more feng shui. Perks. If my place doesn't look to impoverish when we are finished decorating, I will gladly post some pictures of my furniture throughout our spankin' new apartment.
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