Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Finch Design Cottage

When we started the Pink Finch, our mission was to create an experience for women that offers an escape.  However, it has been pretty difficult to create an escape with only an Etsy page as a platform.  At the end of the day we want to create beautiful items that can be enjoyed by our customers and the community.  We have a strong emphasis on the aesthetic aspect of the business, which may not be paying the bills right now, but with time and effort that can change.

At the moment, our challenge is deciding on a space to call home.  We need that "ah-ha" moment before committing to a space.  We need something that reflects our style while being geographically convenient for our target customers...which has proven to be a challenge. 

For now we have set up an adorable design cottage right in the backyard.  A small yellow shed has been converted to a space to display Finch furniture and decor (storage in style).  After the hustle and bustle of the new year, we will host a design house sale where you can stop by our home residence to see a display of items for sale.  So if you are looking for a decorative pick me up you must stop by! If you are just interested in seeing items you have found online, shoot us an e-mail and set up an appointment to come by. Siegelhouse@gmail.com

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