Monday, October 15, 2012

Our First Farmers Market

We could not have prayed for better weather this weekend, so ideal for an outdoor market.  We woke up early  (Before 7 am is early), loaded into the Silverado and headed to South Riding with alllll of our loot.  Leaving the house it was chilly so we layered up and brought a thermos of Teavana of course.  When we arrived, there were only a few other vendors set up, we picked out a big blot of parking spaces and began staging our booth.  Once we were all set up, I stepped back and looked at everything we had for sale.  I became totally overwhelmed with pride.  

While we sold mostly smaller items (table runners, hair flowers & wreaths) we were still excited to create a local buzz around The Pink Finch.  This was a fabulous opportunity to reach out to the local community, pass out business cards and see what sells best at this particular farmers market.  The reaction we received over our furniture and decor was flattering and we thank everyone who came out to support us.   

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