Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring Cleaning

Up-Cycled Piano Bench
While running last weekend I watched the majority of my neighbors begin their spring yard work: weeding, mulching and planting.  While we are all excited to get outside on those first warm spring days, we are also avoiding what lurks inside. 

Luckily spring cleaning is not all about "cleaning".  Once the rubber gloves come off, it is time to get organized.  I love purging in the spring.  I always seem to get rid of clothes, old documents, receipts, etc.  So why not spring clean your decor? 

How long have you held onto a decor item or furniture piece, even though it no long fits your style?  For example: Say you have a great, well built mirror that has been hanging on your wall for years.  It's oak, boring and you want to replace it.  Instead of replacing it, why not refurbish it.  The spring can be a great time for projects, but you have to be careful you do not end up hoarding old items with the intent to facelift.  So keep your project list realistic and sell or donate everything else you no longer need.  Craigslist has a great free section if you want to de-clutter fast. 

Another option: you can contact us at The Pink Finch.  We would be happy to pick up your item and deliver it after we apply our magic. 

Above is a photo of a piano bench we bought and refinished by using green paint, a blue wash and some decorative stencils.  By refinishing this item, this piano bench can now be seating and storage in any room, now lets see what kind of items you can up-cycle. 

Secret Storage

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