Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tips For Pickers

Every time I pass I pile of trashed personal belongings on the street I instinctively do a double take.  I did not recently pick up the habit of picking...I grew up doing it.  My mom was always coming home with our neighbors thrown out furniture, mirrors, books, etc with excitement in what she had come across.  Today she is still living her daily life with peeled eyes, ready to snatch up someones neglected coffee table or outdated picture frames. 

To be fair, she has sophisticated her technique to seeking unwanted belongings through Craigslist and yard sales, but that does not mean that she won't go dig marble slabs out of a dumpster (she does this often).  I came up with a few TIPS FOR PICKERS that I picked up front the master growing up:

  1.  If somethings catches your eyes get it [now]! I cant tell you how many times I have run by someones garbage in the early mornings and said "Oh I'll grab it after I'm done" and thirty minutes later, that circa 1970 lamp is gone!
  2. Go for good bones If you cant decide whether something has potential look at the bones of the piece. Is it well made? Does it have a unique OR timeless shape? If something is made of quality materials it will stand the test of time after some sprucing up.  
  3. Don't be turned off by finish, color, upholstery or blemishes These things are all easily fixed so you have to learn to look past the ugly stains and tarnishes. 
  4. Be weary of Craigslist Pictures Sometimes furniture will be a lot bigger or smaller then perceived in the photos.  So ask for the dimensions before driving your pickup to a strangers house..

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